15 Dec 2022
Bulk import and Create orders now available on SKUTOPIA
Need to send adhoc orders? Use our create orders feature on SKUTOPIA! Simply create orders, get rates and send your parcels all via our SKUTOPIA platform. Have a large amount of orders you want to book labels for? Take advantage of our bulk import orders feature. No matter how big or small, we've got you sorted.

18 May 2022
Choose the cheapest carrier everytime!
Selecting the cheapest carrier by default is now by a single click of a button! Enjoy cheapest carrier rates everytime there is an order on SKUTOPIA!
18 May 2022
Sync data button
You can use a single button on SKUTOPIA orders to re-sync changes from your Shopify store!
30 March 2022
Bulk label bookings
Booking multiple orders is super simple with SKUTOPIA, all you need to do is select the orders you want to include in your bulk booking, and click Book Carrier. Easy Peasy!
17 February 2022
One-click label bookings
You should now be able to open an order in SKUTOPIA and click ‘Book Carrier’ and get a label, without changing a thing. One-Click-Booking
17 February 2022
Bulk label download
Labels can now be downloaded in bulk from the Awaiting Carrier Screen. You can download upto 100 labels at one time!
25 January 2022
Use Auspost International for deliveries over 2kg
You can now send international deliveries up to 20kgs via Auspost International shipping.
25 January 2022
More information about your orders on the Sales Overview Screen
You can now view more information such as the carrier service, price, state and others for your order on the Sales overview screen.
25 January 2022
Manage information about your orders
You can choose to show/hide as many columns you want to see information about your orders all in one place.