5 Key Features to Look For When Shopping for Order Fulfillment Software

Olivia Armistead



February 21, 2023
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The eCommerce industry is growing rapidly, and with it comes an increased demand for efficient and effective order fulfillment. Successful eCommerce businesses must ensure their orders are fulfilled quickly and accurately, as failure to do so can result in negative customer experiences and lost revenue. This is where order fulfillment software comes in - it streamlines the order processing and shipping process, allowing businesses to fulfill orders with greater speed and accuracy.

However, not all order fulfillment software is created equal. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming for businesses to choose the right one for their specific needs. That's why we've created this guide - to provide a roadmap for businesses seeking to select the best order fulfillment software. In this article, we'll explore the 5 key features that businesses should look for when shopping for order fulfillment software, including integration with eCommerce platforms, inventory management capabilities, shipping management capabilities, analytics and reporting capabilities, and customer service and support. By the end of this guide, you'll have a better understanding of what to look for in order fulfillment software and be better equipped to choose the solution that's right for your business.

Feature 1: Integration with eCommerce Platforms

Integration with eCommerce platforms is a critical feature to look for when selecting order fulfillment software. In addition to the popular eCommerce platforms mentioned earlier, it's important to consider other platforms that your business may use, such as a shipping platform like SKUTOPIA. By integrating your order fulfillment software with a shipping platform, you can take advantage of advanced shipping management capabilities such as automated label printing, rate shopping, and order tracking.

For example, SKUTOPIA is a popular shipping platform that provides seamless integration with various order fulfillment software solutions. With SKUTOPIA, businesses can automate shipping processes, generate shipping labels and packing slips, and manage shipping costs across multiple carriers. SKUTOPIA also provides real-time shipping updates and tracking information for businesses and their customers.

Integrating order fulfillment software with a shipping platform like SKUTOPIA can help businesses streamline their shipping processes and provide a more efficient and transparent customer experience. It's important to research and consider all of the eCommerce platforms and shipping platforms that your business uses when selecting order fulfillment software to ensure seamless integration and maximum efficiency.

Feature 2: Inventory Management Capabilities

Effective inventory management is critical to successful order fulfillment. Accurate and timely inventory tracking ensures that businesses can fulfill orders efficiently, without the risk of overselling or stockouts. This is why it's important to choose order fulfillment software with robust inventory management capabilities.

Some key inventory management features to look for in order fulfillment software include real-time inventory tracking, automated inventory updates, and the ability to set low-stock alerts. Real-time inventory tracking allows businesses to monitor inventory levels in real-time, while automated inventory updates ensure that inventory levels are automatically updated across all platforms when an item is sold. This helps to minimise the risk of overselling or stockouts.

Additionally, the ability to set low-stock alerts allows businesses to stay on top of inventory levels, ensuring that they can reorder products before they run out. Some order fulfillment software solutions also provide advanced inventory forecasting capabilities, allowing businesses to predict demand and optimise their inventory levels accordingly.

Feature 3: Shipping Management Capabilities

Effective shipping management is crucial to the success of the order fulfillment process. In addition to providing timely and accurate order fulfillment, businesses must also manage the shipping process, which involves generating shipping labels, tracking packages, and providing customers with real-time updates. This is why it's essential to choose order fulfillment software with strong shipping management capabilities.

Key shipping management features to look for in order fulfillment software include automated shipping label generation, real-time tracking information, and integration with popular carriers. Automated shipping label generation helps businesses streamline their shipping process, while real-time tracking information allows businesses to keep their customers updated on the status of their shipment. Integration with popular carriers, such as USPS, UPS, and FedEx, can also help businesses to save time and minimise errors by automatically pulling shipping rates and creating shipping labels.

SKUTOPIA Shipping Platform’s order fulfillment software excels in shipping management. The platform provides automated shipping label generation, real-time tracking information, and integration with popular carriers, as well as advanced shipping management capabilities such as rate shopping and batch label printing. By selecting order fulfillment software with strong shipping management capabilities, businesses can ensure that they have the necessary tools to manage their shipping processes effectively, and ultimately provide a better customer experience.

Feature 4: Analytics and Reporting Capabilities

Analytics and reporting capabilities are essential for businesses to gain insights into the performance of their order fulfillment process and make data-driven decisions. By tracking metrics such as order processing time, shipping time, and inventory turnover, businesses can identify bottlenecks, optimise their processes, and ultimately improve their overall efficiency.

Some key analytics and reporting features to look for in order fulfillment software include real-time dashboards, customisable reports, and the ability to track key performance indicators (KPIs). Real-time dashboards provide a quick overview of the current status of orders and inventory, while customisable reports allow businesses to drill down into specific metrics and get a more detailed view of their performance. Tracking KPIs such as order processing time, shipping time, and inventory turnover can also help businesses to identify areas where they can improve their operations.

By selecting order fulfillment software with strong analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses can gain a better understanding of their order fulfillment process and make data-driven decisions to improve their efficiency and ultimately provide a better customer experience.

Feature 5: Customer Service and Support

Customer service and support are critical aspects to consider when selecting order fulfillment software. As with any software, issues or questions are bound to arise, so it's important to have a reliable and responsive support team available to help resolve any issues quickly and efficiently.

When evaluating order fulfillment software options, it's essential to look for providers with responsive support teams, extensive documentation, and resources such as a knowledge base or community forums. A responsive support team is crucial, as any issues with the software can cause delays in order fulfillment, which can lead to unhappy customers. Additionally, providers that offer comprehensive documentation and resources allow businesses to quickly resolve issues themselves, reducing the need for contacting support.

SKUTOPIA offer a responsive support team available via phone, email, or chat, and their extensive knowledge base and community forums provide an extensive library of resources for users to troubleshoot common issues on their own. Furthermore, SKUTOPIA provides regular software updates, and they have a team of experts available to help users set up and optimise their order fulfillment processes.

Wrap Up

Choosing the right order fulfillment software can be a critical decision for businesses. By selecting software with the right features, businesses can streamline their operations and provide a better customer experience. In this article, we've outlined the five key features to look for when shopping for order fulfillment software:

  1. Integration with eCommerce Platforms
  2. Inventory Management Capabilities
  3. Shipping Management Capabilities
  4. Analytics and Reporting Capabilities
  5. Customer Service and Support

When evaluating software options, businesses should consider the importance of these features and look for providers that excel in each area. Examples of such providers include SKUTOPIA, which offers comprehensive solutions for order fulfillment software.

Remember that selecting the right order fulfillment software is an investment in your business, and choosing the wrong provider can have negative consequences. We encourage businesses to research and try out different options to find the software that best fits their needs. By choosing the right provider, businesses can ensure smooth operations, streamline the order fulfillment process, and ultimately provide a better customer experience.